Thursday, March 1, 2012

SA: Nitschke criticised for backing children s right to die

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Nitschke criticised for backing children s right to die

ADELAIDE, Aug 12 AAP - Giving children as young as 12 the right to die was just social
cleansing, reminiscent of Nazi Germany, Right to Life Australia said today.

Commenting on moves by the Netherlands to legalise euthanasia for children and adults,
Right to Life chairwoman Margaret Tighe said support for the idea from Australian doctor
Philip Nitschke also was unsurprising.

"It is yet another example of his determination to recklessly embrace a culture of death,"
Mrs Tighe said.

Yesterday, Dr Nitschke told Channel Nine that making euthanasia available to terminally ill
children was a reasonable proposal.

"I think the Dutch government has taken a very courageous step and recognised the reality
that children suffer very debilitating, serious, suffering diseases," he said.

"We simply can't say terminal illness starts at the age of 18."

But Mrs Tighe questioned how much further the Dutch were prepared to go.

"We know already that increasing numbers of patients have their lives ended in the
Netherlands, without their consent," she said.

"Will we see mentally retarded children, over the age of 12, and patients with senile
dementia, who cannot request euthanasia, now being put down."

Mrs Tighe said the Nazis engaged in a similar form of social cleansing before World War II
and were condemned for it.

In Adelaide today, Dr Nitschke completed a series of euthanasia advice clinics during which
he expected to see about 10 terminally-ill patients.

He intends to hold similar clinics interstate, including in Sydney and Melbourne, saying
last night that demand had been so great in Melbourne he was trying to establish a second
clinic in September.

Dr Nitschke's actions in Adelaide were monitored by the government and police but no action
was taken against him.

AAP tjd/kr/br


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