Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: Main stories in the Melbourne newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Main stories in the Melbourne newspapers

MELBOURNE, April 14 AAP - Main stories in Wednesday's Melbourne newspapers:


Page 1: Ten brave Victorians have come forward tell Herald Sun readers how serious
Melbourne's knife violence really is.

Page 2: Christine Nixon continues to resist pressure to resign from the bushfire recovery
authority ahead of her second appearance at the bushfires royal commission.

Page 3: A packet of cigarettes could rise by up to $6.50 to help foot the bill for
Kevin Rudd's $18 billion health reform package.

World: A jet carrying more than 100 passengers broke apart on landing in Indonesia
on Tuesday, injuring about 20 people.

Finance: A sixth straight interest rate rise is becoming less likely with some economists
tipping the Reserve Bank will keep official rates on hold next month as it comes to grips
with the economy's mixed signals.

Sport: Richmond's most famous sons have urged the club to keep faith with Ben Cousins,
despite growing calls for the Tigers to end his career (AFL).

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