Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: F1 ace urges motorists to watch for bikes

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: F1 ace urges motorists to watch for bikes

MELBOURNE, April 3 AAP - Formula One star Mark Webber today urged Australian motorists
to take a leaf out of the European book and pay more attention to cyclists on the road.

Webber, who admits to being a huge cycling fan, said while motorists in Victoria had
improved in their attitude towards cyclists in the last five years, the rest of the country
was not so patient.

"Sometimes road users may not have an idea how much room a cyclist needs," said Webber,
who is a patron of the Amy Gillett Foundation, launched in Melbourne today.

"I've ridden my bike in many different parts of the world, the culture is different
in Spain, in Italy and in the UK, and in Victoria the culture is very, very good.

"But there's probably other parts of Australia where (cyclists) are not as well accepted."

The foundation has been set up in memory of the Australian cyclist who was killed by
a motorist while training with five teammates in Germany in July 2005.

It aims to promote a safe relationship between cyclists and motorists, provide an annual
scholarship for emerging female cyclists and help the five women injured in the crash.

Up and coming cyclist Jessie Maclean, from Canberra, is the first recipient of the scholarship.

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