Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Qld: Independent study backs Traveston dam plans

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Independent study backs Traveston dam plans

BRISBANE, Aug 31 AAP - An independent engineering report has backed the Queensland
government's plans for the controversial Traveston Crossing Dam.

The review was commissioned after protesters and federal coalition MPs argued the government
was wrong on issues such as hydrological modelling, leakage, evaporation rates and design.

The Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) report said geological tests and
an examination of the $1.7 billion dam's design showed the risk of leakage was "insignificant".

"Work done to date on the preliminary design of Traveston Crossing Dam provides an
excellent basis for a successful project," the report concluded.

The review noted the estimates of evaporation and seepage losses were reasonable.

The proposed dam has an anticipated annual yield of 70,000 megalitres a year, and a
153,000ML capacity.

Deputy Premier Anna Bligh said last week's rain in the Mary River catchment peaked
at nearly 45,000ML a day - up from 20ML a day during the previous two weeks.

"This would fill an Olympic swimming pool every five seconds," Ms Bligh said.

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